Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) 

 The Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) is a network within the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island that welcomes anyone and everyone who cares about God's creation, Anglican or otherwise, from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island or beyond.  
Our Mandate:
  • To support Anglicans and others in living out the 5th Mark of Mission, “To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”
  • To be a resource to regions, parishes, groups, individual Anglicans, and others within the diocese and beyond.
  • To build the network, provide support, make connections, and develop partnerships with the broader church, other faith groups, and secular groups.
  • To be involved in effecting change on environmental issues.  

Safeguarding God’s Creation – the Baptismal promise http://www.anglican.ca/news/covenant-and-care-a-baptismal-promise-to-safeguard-creation/3006799/

Motion to Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island Synod 2019

Resolved that this Synod of the Diocese of NS and PEI:

  1. recognises that there is a global climate and ecological emergency,
    2.       encourages churches and parishes of the diocese to make the Fifth Mark of Mission (‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’) a living testament to our faith, and calls upon churches and parishes of the diocese to:
    a.     observe the Season of Creation (Sept. 1st to Oct. 4th), setting aside a day in that season as a day of public repentance,
          b.     plan and gather resources that would promote ecological action, including minimizing water-use, setting aside available land for natural growth of plants and trees, transition to renewable energy sources and incorporating creation care into liturgical practice,
          c.     prepare or use an existing Lenten practice focused on Creation
          d.     form small groups to take leadership on environmental issues within each parish and to connect with the Diocesan Environment Network,
          e.     identify environmental and climate-related threats in their context and to develop or adapt existing tools on disaster preparedness and mitigation.
    3.     encourages the organisers of both Diocesan and General Synod to make each session of synod as environmentally sustainable as possible.

    Commentary: A climate emergency has been declared by many cities, including Charlottetown and Halifax. The church needs "the courage and love of Jesus" (Eucharistic Prayer 5) in order to make significant, life-giving changes in how we relate to all God's creation. This resolution is adapted from the Anglican Consultative Council's environmental resolution, passed in early May 2019. It can be seen as a response to that resolution. This resolution goes a small step further than the ACC resolution by including the extinction of species as a crisis of urgency equal to the climate crisis (this in light of the May 6th UN report). 

Climate Change and the Gospel Bishop David Atkinson, Church of England 

Laudato Si – A Papal Encyclical, May 2015 Laudato Si

Laudato Si, A Canadian Response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bti86O_Tw5A

The World is our Host – Bishops urge action on climate justice https://issuu.com/anglicancommunion/docs/the_world_is_our_host

UN Environment Programme https://www.unenvironment.org/about-un-environment/faith-earth-initiative/why-faith-and-environment-matters

Believing in Change: Faith and the mission to protect our planet  https://www.aljazeera.com/program/earthrise/2023/4/22/believing-in-change-faith-and-the-mission-to-protect-our-planet#:~:text=earthrise%20explores%20how%20faith%20communities,the%20climate%20and%20nature%20crises%3F