Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island - Previous Bishops

Sixteenth Bishop 

The Most Reverend Ron Cutler was ordained deacon on May 17, 1981, and Priest on  November 1, 1981, both in the Diocese of Central Newfoundland. He served as rector of the Parishes of Twillingate  (Twillingate, Newfoundland), Smith’s Sound (Clarenville, Newfoundland), Trinity  Church Sydney Mines with St. Peter & St. John Baddeck (Cape Breton, Nova  Scotia) and St. John the Evangelist (Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia). He has also ministered as a Regional Dean and an Archdeacon. He was elected Suffragan Bishop on May 23, 2008, and consecrated on June 29, 2008. Archbishop Ron was elected Coadjutor Bishop on November 22, 2013, to succeed the Rt. Rev. Sue Moxley at her retirement on March 31st, 2014.  He was installed as Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island on May 6, 2014.  He was elected Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada in May 2017, to succeed Archbishop Percy Coffin at his retirement. Archbishop Cutler retired on July 31st, 2020.


Fifteenth Bishop


The Right Reverend Sue Moxley graduated from the University of Western Ontario (B.A., M.A.) and the University of Michigan (M.A., Ph.D.) before coming to Nova Scotia to work as a Professor at Dalhousie University. During that time, with the help of many others, she discerned a call to ordained ministry and continued her education at the Atlantic School of Theology (M.Div.). She was ordained Deacon, June 29, 1984 and Priest, March 25, 1985. She served in the parishes of Hatchet Lake & Terence Bay, and St. Mark’s, Halifax. She was elected Suffragan Bishop, November 2003 and ordained bishop on March 25, 2004. She was elected Diocesan Bishop October 20, 2007, and Installed to that office on November 23, 2007.  Bishop Sue retired on March 31, 2014.


Fourteenth Bishop


The Most Reverend Fred Hiltz: B. Sc. M.Div. D.D.was elected Suffragan Bishop of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island on October 6, 1994 and was consecrated on January 18, 1995. He was elected Coadjutor on November 9, 2001. He became Diocesan Bishop March 1, 2002. On June 22, 2007  he was elected the 13th Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, Retired July   ,2019


Thirteenth Bishop


The Most Rev. Arthur Gordon Peters: B.A., B.S.T., B.D., D.D. Consecrated February 2, 1982. Installed as Bishop Coadjutor of Nova Scotia, February 2, 1982. Installed Bishop of Nova Scotia November 29, 1984. Elected Metropolitan (Archbishop) of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada on October 19th, 1997. Retired February 28, 2002.


Twelfth Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Leonard Fraser Hatfield M.A., D.D. Consecrated, October 17, 1976. Installed Bishop Suffragan of Nova Scotia, October 17, 1976. Elected Bishop Co-Adjutor, September 27, 1979. Bishop of Nova Scotia, January 1, 1980. Retired, September 30, 1984 - Died September 14, 2001.


Eleventh Bishop

The Rt. Rev. George Feversham Arnold, M.A, B.D., D.D. Consecrated September 21, 1967. Installed Bishop Suffragan of Nova Scotia, September 21, 1967. Elected Bishop Co-Adjutor, May 29, 1975. Bishop of Nova Scotia, September 1, 1975. Retired, January 1, 1980.  Died January 31, 1998.


Tenth Bishop

The Most Rev. William Wallace Davis B.A., B.D., D.D. Consecrated, February 26, 1958. Installed Bishop Co-Adjutor of Nova Scotia February 26, 1958. Bishop of Nova Scotia July 1, 1963. Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, June 8, 1972. Retired, August 31, 1975. Died, May 28, 1987.


Ninth Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Robert Harold Waterman: B.A., D.D., D.C.L. Consecrated, January 27, 1948. Installed Bishop Co-Adjutor of Nova Scotia, January 27, 1948. Bishop of Nova Scotia, November 20, 1950. Enthroned, January 26, 1951. Retired June 20, 1963. Died, December 16, 1984.


Eighth Bishop

The Most Rev. George Frederick Kingston M.A., Ph.D., D.D. Consecrated, April 25, 1940. Bishop of Algoma, 1940-1944. Bishop of Nova Scotia, 1944. Primate of all Canada and Archbishop of Nova Scotia, 1947. Died, November 20, 1950.


Seventh Bishop

The Most Rev. John HacKenley B.A., D.D. Consecrated. January 6, 1925. Metropolitan of Canada 1939. Died, November 16, 1943.


Sixth Bishop

The Most Rev. Clarendon Lamb Worrell: M.A., D.D., D.C.L. Consecrated, October 18, 1904. Metropolitan of Canada, 1915. Primate of all Canada. 1931. Died, August 10, 1934.


Fifth Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Frederick Courtney: D.D., D.C.L. Consecrated, April 26, 1888. Died, December 29, 1918.


Fourth Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Hibbert Binney: D.D. Consecrated, March 26, 1851. Died, April 30, 1887.


Third Bishop

The Rt. Rev. John Inglis: D.D. Consecrated, March 26, 1825. Died, October 27, 1850.


Second Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Robert Stanser: D.D. Consecrated, May 16, 1816. Died, December 23, 1828.


First Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Charles Inglis: D.D. Consecrated, August 12, 1787. Died, February 24, 1816.

Taken from the Diocesan Year Book