Canon 1 Election, Appointment, Consecration and Resignation of Bishops, Synod 2019 Revision Canon 2 Repealed, 1999 Canon 3 Appointment of Administrator, Synod 2017 Revision Canon 4 The Chancellor Canon 5 Archdeacons, 2003 (Amended 2003) Canon 6 The Registrar - Amended 2013 Canon 7 The General Synod, 1996 Canon 8 The Provincial Synod, Amended 2013 Canon 9 Repealed, 1980 Canon 10 The Financial Management and Development VSST - Amended 2013 Canon 11 The Diocesan Council, 1999 (Amended Synod 2023) Canon 12 Repealed, 1994 Canon13 Repealed, 1994 Canon 14 Repealed, 1994 Canon 15 Repealed, 1994 Canon 16 Budget - Amended 2019 Canon 17 Nominations and Elections, Amended 2015 Canon 18 The University of King’s College, 1999 Canon 19 Repealed, Synod 2017 (Diocesan Book Room) Canon 20 Regions and Regional Deans, (Amended Synod 2023) Canon 21 Repealed, 1978 Canon Clergy Employment outside Regular Duties Canon 22. Unallocated Canon 23 Archivist, 1991 Canon 24 Archives - Amended 2013 Canon 25 Appointment, Transfer and Resignation of Stipendiary Clergy (Amended Synod 2023) Canon 26 Candidates for Holy Orders, 1996 Canon 27 Licensed Lay Ministers (formerly Lay Readers), 2019 Canon 28 Episcopal Jurisdiction Respecting the Clergy, 1984 (Amended 2009) Canon 29 Relinquishment and Abandonment of the Ordained Ministry, 1984 Canon 30 Discipline, 1996 Canon 31 Trusteeship - Enacted 2009, Amended 2013 Canon 32 Unallocated Canon 33 Unallocated Canon 34 Unallocated Canon 35 Parish Government, Amended Synod 2023 Canon 36 Parochial Endowment
Canon 37 Parochial Finances, Synod 2019 Revision Canon 38 Parochial Property, Synod 2017 Revision Canon 39 Parish Cemeteries and Burial Grounds and Columbaria - Amended 2015 Canon 40 Parish Records, 1987 Canon 41 Parish Difficulties - Amended 2013 Canon 42 Interpretation - Adopted 2009
Provincial Canons
Canons on the Province of Canada website
1. The Ecclesiastical Province of Canada and its Dioceses 2. The Election, office and work of the Metropolitan Bishop 3. The Election, Appointment, Consecration and Resignation of Bishop 4. The Licensing of Clergy 5. Discipline and the Court of Appeal 6. The Canons of General Synod
General Synod Canons
Canons on the National Web Site
1. Name of the Church 2. Corporate Seal 3. The Primacy 4. Unallocated 5. Archives 6. Finance Management 7. Missionary Society 8. The General Synod Pension and Income Continuance Plans 9. Lay Retirement Plan 10. Unallocated 11. Anglican Book Centre 12. Continuing Education Plan 13. Deaconesses 14. The Book of Common Prayer 15. The Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario 16. The Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia 17. The Licensing of Clergy 18. Discipline 19. Relinquishment and Abandonment of the Ministry 20. The Supreme Court of Appeal 21. On Marriage in the Church