April 5th (Zoom)
June 7th & 8th (in person)
Youth Members: Rebecca Coholan
Region 1 PEI
Lay Thomas Haslam
Clergy Rev'd David Garrett
Region 2 Cape Breton
Lay Reid Moore
Clergy The Rev'd Debbie Fice
Region 3 Northumbria
Lay Deborah Beck
Clergy The Rev'd Joanne Neal
Region 4 Eastern Shore
Lay Anthony Chapman
Clergy Rev'd Fred Grainger
Region 5 Dartmouth
Lay Linda Rouleaux
Clergy Rev'd David Greenwood
Region 6 Chebucto
Lay Eric Thompson
Clergy Rev'd Tammy Hodge Orovec
Region 7 Rivers to Trails
Lay Carol Scott
Clergy The Rev'd Cathy Lee Cunningham
Region 8 Valley
Lay Mike Carter
Clergy Rev Paul Jennings
Region 9 South Shore
Lay Murray Elliott
Clergy Rev'd Ian Wissler
Region 10 Chignecto
Lay Jeff Marshall
Clergy Rev'd Charlotte Ross
The Rev'd Sandra Fyfe, Diocesan Bishop
James Travers, Q.C, Chancellor
Dawn Purcell, Executive Secretary of Synod
The Very Rev'd Paul Smith, Cathedral Dean
Diocesan Staff Support:
The Rev'd Lisa Vaughn, Parish Vitality Coordinator
Allie Colp, Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator
The Rev'd Ann Turner Executive Director