Date: 14 November 2024 Subject: Resolutions and Instructions for Writing Diocesan Synod Resolutions 

Deadline – January 23, 2025 at 5:00 pm 

All resolutions must be submitted in advance, in writing, to the Executive Secretary of Synod, at least three months before the meeting of Synod (January 23, 2025). No resolutions will be accepted after the deadline or from the floor of Synod. Please use the attached Resolution Submission Form. 

Each resolution shall begin with “RESOLVED, that”, or “MOVED, that”… and be followed by a clear and concise statement of what is proposed. The names of the mover and seconder are to be provided and will be included in the notice of resolution/motion printed in the Convening Circular.  There shall be no preamble. There shall be no introductory statements or “WHEREAS”… statements. Please indicate the resolution in bold print.  When a motion is to change a Canon or Constitution, the current Canon or Constitution must be included with the wording to be deleted crossed out and any wording to be added, underlined.

When copying a current Canon or Constitution to paste into a resolution, please pay attention to deleting any copy of current headers and footers. 

Commentary on the resolution should follow, but not be part of the formal resolution. Commentary can explain the reasons for the resolution, its program impact, congruity with the Diocesan Vision, etc. Resolutions with budgetary impact must include a budget estimate.  
Submissions must contain the name, parish, and contact information of the mover and/or the sponsor. This includes an email (if available), postal address, and phone number. If the name of the movers is not finalized when the resolution is submitted, you must name a sponsor who can speak knowledgeably about the resolution with the Resolutions Committee.  The Resolutions Committee does not decide on the merits of the proposed resolution/motion, but may return the resolution for further work if it is not within the guidelines or if it is unclear, ambiguous, inaccurate, or impossible to carry out.  The Resolutions Committee will advise the mover or sponsor if a resolution has been rejected or referred.  
There will be a number of zoom information webinars offered prior to Synod to allow Synod delegates to raise questions and discuss the motions scheduled for Synod. The mover and/or seconder will be expected to participate in one or more of these zoom information webinars. 

Resolutions may be delivered to the Synod Offices or emailed directly to the Executive Secretary of Synod, Dawn Purcell, at

A Sample Motion 
Resolution that Ecumenical Visitors be granted courtesies of the House. 

Mover: Rev’d Paul Jennings, Seconder: Edith Marshall 

Resolved that ecumenical visitors be granted courtesies of the House. 

Commentary: This resolution acknowledges ecumenical visitors and grants them courtesies of the House which includes a voice but no vote.