For yet another summer, the Diocese (under the skillful leadership of our Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator, Allie Colp) will be running the much-loved Community Roots program.   

Community Roots has an incredible summer lined up, with day camps happening in SEVEN communities throughout the diocese! The Community Roots Day Camp Program is designed to do two things: first, to encourage young people to grow in their faith, or to learn about Christianity for the first time, and second, to develop leadership capacity in communities so that meaningful, local ministry can continue to happen there for children and youth. A staff team of Program Architects will develop and help facilitate a fun, engaging, and creative camp program. They will travel throughout the diocese, bringing all of the supplies needed for a week of camp with them. This ministry is overseen by the Youth and Family Ministry Vision Strategy and Support Team (YFM VSST).   

We are happy to introduce this summer’s Community Roots staff: 

Sophie Ashton
Program Architect

My name is Sophie Ashton, and I am so happy to be returning as a Program Architect with Community Roots this year! I am from Halifax, Nova Scotia and currently a student at Acadia University in Wolfville, where I am completing a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in psychology. In my free time, I love reading, writing, and taking any excuse to go on long walks outdoors. After working with Community Roots in 2022, I am so excited to be back to spend the summer working with Leah and Allie, and connecting with communities across the diocese to have some super fun weeks of camp! 

Leah Marshall
Program Architect

My name is Leah Marshall and I grew up on a small sheep farm in rural Alberta. I come from a lively big family and have worked with children’s ministry most of my life in my home parish. After studying psychology, I had the opportunity to work in the UK with a project supporting university student mental health and in Nova Scotia with children and family ministry. When I’m not reading or playing board games with friends, I enjoy hiking and travelling. This summer I am so excited to be returning as an architect for the Community Roots Day Camps. As an architect I will be working alongside Sophie to offer training to volunteers and create and facilitate the camp programs in each participating community. Camp has been such a meaningful part of my own childhood. I really appreciate getting to know each child and volunteer in their unique local contexts. This summer I am especially looking forward to the games and arts & crafts!