Parish Information Forms

The deadline for the Certificate of Election is slightly earlier this year to allow enough time for data entry into our database, ensuring Synod information can be communicated as early as possible to the appropriate delegates.

Licensed Lay Minister form - please note the annual fee has increased to $25. Additionally, please ensure that along with returning the form to the Synod Office, a copy of the form is submitted with the cheque to the contact information provided on the form.

The Parish Statistical and Parish Officers Form forms have been designed by our office to simplify and streamline the completion process. Once submitted, the information is automatically sent to the Synod Office. In light of the launch of Project Stay in Touch in early March, we now only require the names, positions, and phone numbers of your elected Wardens, Treasurer, and Office Administrator/Secretary on the Parish Officers Form.

All forms are to be sent to Tonia at

Due March 15

To complete this form with a signature, you'll need a PDF reader (such as Adobe Acrobat). If you don’t have one, you can still fill out the form, save it, print and sign it, then scan and email it back to the office.

Due March 31

If you have any questions regardings the forms please reach out to Tonia at (902) 420-0717 or
Parochial Return Form 2025

The Parochial Return Form, Instructions, and Financial Checklist can be found below in the downloads section.


Please email completed forms to Tonia at

If you have any questions concerning the Parochial Return Form please reach out to Lawrence at