Thanks to a generous donation from our Diocesan insurer, Ecclesiastical, we are pleased to share that the registration and accommodations for Youth and Children at Synod are not an expense that your Parish needs to consider. In the late fall of 2024, I approached Ecclesiastical (who has provided us with different branding items over the years: pens, bags, paper, etc.) and asked if they might consider supporting our diocese in this way. Here is a part of the request I submitted:

“While we have enjoyed various branded products at previous Synods and appreciate this on-going generosity, this year we are looking for something a bit different. As youth and child play an ever-more significant role in our communities, we hope to make their attendance at Synod more accessible. We also hope to have programming and childcare that honours our SafeR Church policies and highlights participation of all ages. Attendance and participation of children and youth impacts the attendance and participation (in a very positive way!) of parents and caretakers, assuring we are able to include influential and guiding decision-makers of all ages from our communities.”

Ecclesiastical responded with a supportive “Yes!” This is the year to really celebrate the voice and ideas of Youth and Children in our Diocese. Therefore, please be encouraged to have youth representation for your Parish at Synod. And please be encouraged to share with other leaders that there will be programs for the children of Synod delegates ongoing throughout the meeting as well.

Here is the important part:

  1. This generous subsidy includes registration, accommodation, and It does not include travel.
  2. Please advise Youth delegates (or complete this on their behalf) to contact Jana Gauthier, Executive Administrator, directly to register. Jana may be reached by phone at 902-406-8984 or by email at Put YOUTH DELEGATE TO SYNOD in the subject line and include name, parish, email, and phone information. This registration will be confirmed by email.
  3. As you recruit nominees and eventually elect lay delegates to Synod, please let potential delegates know that childcare will be available for FREE on site for CHILDREN AGES 2 through Once delegates are elected, they can let us know that they intend to register their children for childcare by filling out this form. If anyone has any questions about this program they can contact Allie at

If you have any questions, please reach out to my office ( or to Jana (see above). I look forward to greeting each one of you as we gather in May!

Rev’d Ann Turner, Executive Director