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Cursillo (kur-SEE-yo) literally means “short course” and is an intense three-day spiritual retreat, designed to help us develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Those who experience the Cursillo Movement know it is more than just three days of religious instruction, rather it is an effort to change the spiritual environment, to bring Jesus Christ into the world. Cursillo focuses on empowers laypeople how to become effective Christian leaders over the course of a three-day weekend. The weekend includes talks which are given by priests and by laity. The major emphasis of the weekend is to ask participants to take what they have learned back into their churches and inot the world.

Would I benefit from a Cursillo weekend?

Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you want a deeper, more intimate relationship with Christ?

Do you like sharing a common goal with like-minded Christians

Do you want to get in touch with your spirituality?

Do you know someone who has attended a Cursillo weekend, and perhaps you are wondering if you should too?

Do you attend Church regularly but feel you want a greater support network?

Do you want to be more involved in your Christian community?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, should give a Cursillo Weekend some prayerful thoughts. The Cursillo weekend:

The Cursillo weekend is open to people of Christian faiths and is an encounter with oneself, Christ, and others. Cursillo is a worldwide movement that offers methods for finding solutions to the issues faced in our daily lives and encourages growth in our relationship with Christ for the rest of our lives. The Cursillo method is a proven method to help bring a relationship with Christ to others around you as well as giving us a loving and safe environment for sharing with others about our daily struggles and triumphs in living out God’s plan for our life.

Cursillo is not just a weekend retreat. The weekend is just the beginning of our journey! 

If you are interested and would like more information, please contact: Beverly Stronach, Communications Director



MAY 2023