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Canada plans to ban the sale of new gas and diesel cars by 2035. Following this, all new car sales will be Electric Vehicles. With this comes an increased demand for Electric Vehicle charging locations. The existing infrastructure for electric vehicle chargers must expand to meet the growing demand. This project aims to provide faith-based organizations with the opportunity to benefit from this infrastructure expansion. 

Our goal, the establishment of EV charging stations in faith community parking lots. 

Step 1:

Outreach and engagement initiatives to 30+ diverse faith organizations, their congregations and councils, with the intention of generating awareness about electric vehicle (EV) charging opportunities at our places of worship. 

Create information brochures and digital resources to engage community members.  

Host sessions on the benefits, concerns, and logistics of owning EV chargers.

Provide no-cost individual site assessments, and a broader feasibility study for adding level 2 and levels 3 EV charging at places of worship, including short and long-term costs.

Thanks the Church of England for their support and encouragement, to EAC for their, to the 43 faith based organinzations that responded to our survey and to the 20 faith based groups that wrote letters of support for provincial funding. 

Church of England