To:        To Clergy and People of the Diocese

Date:    June 30th, 2020


Dear friends

Tomorrow is Canada Day. Like everything else since the middle of March, Canada Day celebrations are going to look different this year and will mostly occur on-line. However this is not limited to the effects of Covid-19 on our public gatherings. The public discourse over the past few weeks has drawn renewed attention to long-standing disparities in this country. Perhaps because a pandemic has changed so much around us, there is a desire for even greater change, long lasting change, to the ways that the rights, responsibilities and benefits of citizenship are accorded. There is much of which we may be justifiably proud as Canadians but there remains much more to do. I have observed over the years that as Canadians, we have a tendency to compare ourselves with other countries and to find satisfaction when we are better than... (and we can always find someone to be better than) or to take comfort that we are not a super-power therefore being middle of the pack is good enough. I’m sure that something better is called for from us: “Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Phil 4:8) What is the more excellent way that we may find racial equality, care and support of those most vulnerable, and find the wealth of the nation shared more equitably. The Collect for Canada Day found in the Book of Alternative Services seeks God’s wisdom in bringing both harmony and justice.


Almighty God, whose wisdom and whose love are over all, accept the prayers we offer for our nation. Give integrity to its citizens and wisdom to those in authority, that harmony and justice may be secured in obedience to your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.    (BAS p. 413)