The project, "Strengthening the Eastern Shore Parishes for coastal ecosystems protection and climate change preparedness through citizen science" was developed as a response to our commitment to live out the 5th Mark of Mission, To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth in response to a motion passed unanimously at Synod 2019 that calls for the diocese to “d. form small groups to take leadership on environmental issues within each parish and to connect with the Diocesan Environment Network. e. identify environmental and climate-related threats in their context and to develop or adapt existing tools on disaster preparedness and mitigation”.

This past year, the Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) in partnership with the Anglican Parish of Port Dufferin, a research scientist, local citizen scientists, the communities we serve on the Eastern Shore, our funders, and researchers involved in similar projects in Argentina and Melanesia, developed community monitoring of coastal ecosystems and climate change events and began to gather standardized information on coastal parameters related to climate-related threats.

You are invited to join us November 30, 2024, 10 am to 1 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #58, Downstairs, 23566, Nova Scotia Trunk 7, Watt Section, NS B0J 3B0 (lunch included) for the final meeting of this phase of the project, in person or by Zoom, as we celebrate and report the results of this phase of the project.

Please RSVP

Thank you for your support,
The Rev. Marian Lucas-Jefferies, Coordinator, Diocesan Environment Network
The Rev. Dr. Michael Foley, Priest in Charge, Parish of Port Dufferin
Camilo Botero, Research Associate, Dalhousie University

Diocesan Environment Network