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Since 2021, the Diocese of Nova Scotia & PEI has been a leader across our national to church in the Say! Yes to Kids campaign, and we hope that will continue in 2024! Through this campaign, more than $50,000 has been invested in programs for children, youth, and families in our diocese over the past 4 years. 

This year, in addition to parish teams being able to access mentorship, training, and sponsorship for parish-led peer-to-peer fundraising, the Anglican Foundation has also created a liturgical resource to help parishes mark Say Yes! to Kids Sunday on June 2. 

The Anglican Foundation has created a liturgical resource to make it easy for parishes to mark this day in worhip - download that here.

In conversations about how to support parishes in our diocese in participating, it became clear that a Family Worship Resource would be helpful - so we've created one of those. You can download it here. 

Also - Bishop Sandra has recorded a sermon that parishes can use for Say Yes! to Kids Sunday. You can find that here. If you'd like to have that video emailed to you so that you can easily download, send that request to Allie at 

Read on to find out all about the Say Yes! to Kids Teams in our diocese this year!

Community Roots Day Camp
Anglicans Powering Potential

For the fourth consecutive year, Anglicans Power Potential (APP)—formerly ACW—is partnering with the Anglican Foundation of Canada to support our beloved Community Roots Day Camp.

The Community Roots Day Camp Program is designed to encourage young people across the Diocese of NS&PEI to grow in their faith and develop leadership capacity in communities so that meaningful, local ministry can continue to happen for children and youth. This years' proceeds from Say Yes! to Kids will grow our capacity to support this important diocesan program—enabling our staff to continue to travel across the diocese helping to facilitate fun, engaging, and creative camp programs.

Support their campaign here!
Growing Community with Young Families
St. Mark's Halifax

Please support St. Mark's team effort on behalf of the Anglican Foundation of Canada's Say Yes! to Kids movement. By giving generously, you can help our team to raise funds for our say yes to growing community with young families North End project that will also help us to resource and energize the Anglican Church of Canada for ministry and outreach to young people around Canada. 


Support their team here!
THR!VE Girls' Choir
Cathedral Church of All Saints

This year, the Cathedral Church of All Saints is once again partnering with the Anglican Foundation of Canada's Say Yes! to Kids movement by launching a Say Yes! to Voices of THR!VE campaign in support of THR!VE Education’s unique show choir for girls in grades 5 to 12.

THR!VE offers faith-motivated, life-transforming programming for youth. Through loving personalized attention, high expectations that inspire greatness and magical outside-the-box experiences, THR!VE empowers young people to come fully alive to their own rich God-given potential and encourages them, by example, to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of a THR!VING life.

Support their team here!
Youth Retreats
St. Paul's Halifax

We believe that a well-funded program of out trips, socials, and retreats, will continue to give our youth opportunities to get out into nature and grow a sense of community and connection with one another in ways they cannot do during the regular weekly program.

With an abundant source of funding, our pastoral care of young people can always remain fresh and vibrant. Please give generously to this year’s Say Yes! to Kids campaign for St. Paul’s!

Support their team here!
Bryony House
St. Luke's, Dartmouth

For the second year in a row, St. Luke's Anglican Church, Dartmouth, is partnering with AFC to raise funds for Bryony House, a 24-bed shelter that helps nearly 470 women and children each year and is dedicated to breaking the cycle of violence and abuse experienced by women and their children. 

Every gift to this year's St. Luke’s Anglican Church Says Yes! to Bryony House campaign will show the women and children of Bryony House that they are part of a loving, supportive community that is deeply committed to healing and well-being.

Support their team here!
Creative Worship for Families
Christ Church Amherst

At Christ Church Amherst, we plan to build upon and strengthen our existing family ministry program by continuing and growing our monthly Supper and Services for Families!

In our area, there are few opportunities outside of Sunday morning worship for families to grow in their faith together—and Sunday isn’t always the best time for families. By gathering on Saturday afternoons at the local youth centre, we create a unique monthly worship opportunity, with a meal and fellowship time, that brings children and adults of all ages together. 

Support their team here!

Say Yes! to Kids is back, and it’s going to be better than ever!

Who is eligible?Any parish in Canada with a vision for ministry and outreach to young people. When?Apply now and campaign alongside your peers nationwide from April 2 to June 30. Why?

  1. Raise the funds you need to bring your church’s vision for youth ministry to life.
  2. Receive fundraising and communications mentorship from AFC’s experienced team.
  3. Reconnect with families in your community by raising awareness about your youth programs.
  4. Benefit from an AFC-led effort to secure leadership donations, including matching gifts!

 How much?

  1. Each team establishes its own fundraising goal.
  2. Salaries, equipment costs, and capital improvements can be included in your case for support. 

I’m interested. What’s next?

  1. Visit and register for an upcoming webinar.
  2. Download our campaign FAQs sheet

Join the movement and help our church grow a brighter future for young people, today.


As a diocese, we are extremely excited about the opportunity that we have in Say Yes to Kids 2024 to raise funds for ministry for children and youth in our parishes. We are working away on opportunities and resources to support parishes as they explore possibilities and dream about what might happen, and we will post details here and in the NetNews as details come together. 

For now, you will find more information about Say Yes to Kids on the Anglican Foundation website, here