Website Restored
The Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island website — www.nspeidiocese.ca — has been restored to operational status! Since its temporary downfall, our diocese’s website has been unavailable, preventing the publication of our weekly e-mail newsletter, Net News. This disruption has been particularly inconvenient for individuals who were attempting to submit Parish Returns and Annual Mailing Forms.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and acknowledge the frustration this situation has generated.
The outage was caused by an upgrade performed by our website hosting company (Tithely) earlier last week. With the oversight of our Executive Administrator, Jana, the company has since identified and resolved the error.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email.
Working with you and for you, Synod Office Staff |
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Schedule Thursday March 6 – Monthly meeting with Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator; Mentor’s Meeting; and Parish Meeting (evening) Friday March 7 – In office meetings and appointments online; Community Vigil, St. John’s Lunenburg (evening) Saturday March 8 – International Women’s Day Gathering Sunday March 9 – Parish Worship Monday March 10 – Morning/evening off; National House of Bishops Meeting (afternoon - online) Tuesday March 11 – Reading, writing, and planning day Wednesday March 12 – Leadership Team Meeting; Regional Deans’ Meeting; Canadian Compass Rose Society Meeting (online)
Ordination On Tuesday March 25 at 7:00 p.m. on the Annunciation of the Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary, please join us at the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, as we gather for the Ordination of Blane Finnie and Ruth MacNeil to the Sacred Order of Deacons. Please pray for Blane and Ruth as they prepare for their ordination and ministry as Transitional Deacons in the Church of God. Clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers are invited to vest and process. The liturgical colour is white
Openings Rector, 3/4 tme, The Parishes of Musquodoboit and Ship Harbour |
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Annual Mailing Materials
Reminder: The Annual Mailing materials are now available on our website, accessible via this link. Please note that the deadline for the Certificate of Election is slightly earlier this year (due March 15) to allow sufficient time for data entry, ensuring timely communication of Synod information to the appropriate delegates. All other forms and returns are due by March 31 and should be sent to Tonia Wright at office@nspeidiocese.ca. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tonia—she will either assist you directly or direct your inquiry to the appropriate person. Thank you for your prompt attention to completing these forms! |
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Anglican Foundation Grant DeadlinesMay 26, August 25, October 27, 2025. The next Anglican Foundation Grant deadlines are May 26, August 25, October 27, 2025. Complete applications must be received by the Executive Secretary of Synod by those dates. execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca Information for our Diocese in addition to the requirements from the Anglican Foundation
To apply for a grant please go to the website https://www.anglicanfoundation.org/apply/ and download all of the information to insure your application is complete. Please feel free to send any questions to the Executive Secretary of Synod, execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/anglican-foundation-grant-deadlines
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2025 Updates!
You may notice that this year’s diocesan prayer cycle does not include the names of clergy at particular parishes. We made this decision to follow the lead of other diocese across the Anglican Communion, in honouring the clergy who respond to the needs of multiple different churches in different regions of our diocese throughout the year.
Please note that while specific names are no longer listed in affiliation with any given parish, we still encourage you to lift up in prayer the whole worship community for each parish listed in the prayer cycle.
As you use this resource throughout the year, please remember in prayer; all clergy, laity, and community members who work together to celebrate ministry and worship together across our Diocese.
You can find the full 2025 prayer cycle for download as a pdf or word.doc from the Diocesan Website here.
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6-Minute Study - #412HOLD OUT HOPE People all around us, while in a world of chaos and confusion, are seeking hope.
The Christ-centered ministry and messages of laity and clergy to those in our community are needed like never before. Read, this article from congregational development expert, Laura Stephens-Reed, called, Why pastors and churches are so important now.
For more infomation visit:
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RETREAT AND BE SPIRTUALLY REFRESHEDFriday, June 6th to Sunday June 8th A Diocesan retreat, open to anyone, is being hosted June 6 to June 8 at Acadia University, in Wolfville. Pathways to Peace: Seeking the Spirit is a weekend of prayer, worship, friendship and deepening relationship with God. This weekend retreat is designed as a space to refresh your spirit, soothe your soul, and grow in your spiritual journey. Through contemplative prayer practices, short talks, plenty of silence, and reflection. It begins Friday evening and wraps up on Sunday morning. While this retreat is designed for laity, clergy are warmly invited to join. (Note: Clergy Retreat is from June 9 to June 13 in PEI.) Share this invitation with friends from all denominations. SPECIAL EARLY RATE! $160 / person (Those staying off-site - $110) REGISTER NOW! https://dnspeidatabase.elvanto.eu/form/196dfa29-7cb9-4851-9476-78608dbe42ec For more infomation visit:
Lenten Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative prayer is a spiritual practice that involves being aware of God's presence and resting in that presence. It is a type of prayer that uses the imagination to achieve a union with God. Each Thursday during Lent at 9 a.m. we will offer 30-minutes of contemplative prayer time using Zoom. We hope that we can make this prayer time:
For Zoom link and more information e-mail: lentencontemplativeprayer@gmail.com Facilitators: Gillian Power & Joe Young, members our Diocesan Contemplative Prayer Community. Please consider making this a practice during your Lent. For more infomation visit:
Lent Book Study- March 12thPracticing the Way, by John Mark Comer Thinking about Lent? Join the Diocese of Fredricton in a Lenten book study to read John Mark Comer's Practicing the Way. "We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice. The series starts on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, and runs six sessions (until April 16, 2025) at 6:30PM for 60-90mins. Registration is required for the Zoom link. Participants will receive the reading schedule after they register. For more infomation visit:
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Application Open for The Connectors SEVENListen. Learn. Experiment. Connect. The Connectors is a group that journeys over the course of 12 months to explore fresh approaches to flourishing ministry. It involves reflection, prayer, discussion, study, goal-setting, trying out missional initiatives, mutual peer support and more!
This peer learning community begins in early 2025 for lay and clergy participants who want to explore discerning prayer, deep dive discussions, engaging readings, goal-setting, mutual support and encouragement. The Connectors SEVEN is a group of up to 10 eager pioneering-type people who gather monthly for 10, two-day sessions (a mixture of residential retreats and Zoom meetings). This is a skill-building environment for faithful Anglicans who want to reach out to others, but aren’t sure how. Participants in this cohort are a gift and asset to a local parish and their community. All costs are covered by the Diocese. Facilitators are: Kim Lively, Parish of Oakfield & Fall River; Bishop Ron Cutler (retd); Lisa Vaughn, Director of Mission and Ministry Development. ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS … ... are willing to lean into their growing edges and take risks. ... commit to participating in all the sessions and an average of 3 hours per month of study, reflection and discernment/visioning for themselves and their congregation(s). Additional time required for missional initiatives. Application deadline for The Connectors SEVEN is extended to Thursday, March 13 (midnight) INFO & SIGN-UP HERE: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ConnectorsSEVEN (Got questions? E-mail: missiondirector@nspeidiocese.ca or call: 902-789-4840.) For more infomation visit:
Prayer Around the Diocese
See what your parish offers in the way of prayer programs, contemplative gatherings, or quiet prayer times.
Explore prayer gatherings perhaps not available at your church or held at a time more convenient for your schedule - in person and on ZOOM - including LENT programs and WORLD DAY OF PRAYER (March 7).
Visit the NSPEI Diocesan Anglican Fellowship of Prayer web page for this listing : https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ministries/anglican-fellowship-of-prayer/pages/prayer-gatherings
Anglicans Powering Potential - World Day of Prayer
Anglicans Powering Potential remind Anglicans that Friday, March 7 is World Day of Prayer. There are over 60 churches of various denominations offering World Day of Prayer (WDP) services in our diocese and there is at least one church, often more than one, in each region offering a WDP service. All are welcome to these services. The World Day of Prayer is an international ecumenical Christian laywomen's initiative. It is run under the motto "Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action" and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. Please e-mail Cynthia at cjp2320@gmail.com to learn the details (date, time, place) of services offered in your region if you do not already know. For 2025, the theme is: I Made You Wonderful and the country that has designed and written the program is the Cook Islands. Full information is available at: https://wdpcanada.ca/world-day-of-prayer/how-to-participate/ |
International Women's DayAccelerate Action In honour of International Women’s Day, March 8, with its theme, Accelerate Action, Anglicans Powering Potential offer quotations of the African American author, scholar, feminist, and activist, bell hooks who notes: “Hopefulness empowers us to continue our work for justice even as the forces of injustice may gain greater power for a time.” and “Feminist thinking teaches us all, especially, how to love justice and freedom in ways that foster and affirm life.” Heath S. notes: “. . . Our relationship with God drives our intuition and hunger for social justice . . . “ Equity work requires great courage and the triumph of hope in the face of very entrenched obstacles. The words of Michelle Obama can help bolster the needed perseverance: “History has shown us that courage can be contagious, and hope can take on a life of its own." Here’s to both courage and hope! For more infomation visit:
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SYNOD 2025
Synod Important Dates to Remember
By clicking the link below, you will find a list of key dates for our upcoming Synod, along with details on the location, convening circular, resolutions and more! For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/pages/important-dates-to-remember
Youth and Children at Synod
Thanks to a generous donation from our Diocesan insurer, Ecclesiastical, we are pleased to share that the registration and accommodations for Youth and Children at Synod are not an expense that your Parish needs to consider. For more infomation visit:
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Webinar for TreasurersPreparing Your Parish's Parochial Return As the time for preparing your annual parochial return approaches, we’re hosting a webinar to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to complete the return accurately and efficiently. Join us on: March 6, 2025 at 2pm, Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83012227076 or March 6, 2025 at 7pm, Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83911538858 This webinar will cover key aspects of the parochial return, including: · Step-by-step guidance through the return form, including explanations of each section. · Clarification of common questions and challenges related to income calculation and reporting. This is a great opportunity to connect with other treasurers, learn best practices, and ensure your parish's return is submitted correctly. We look forward to seeing you on March 6! |
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REGISTER TODAYAFC Launches 5th Annual Say Yes! to Kids Campaign Registration for the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) 5th annual Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) campaign is now open. The 2025 campaign will launch on Tuesday, April 22 and close on Monday, June 30. All parishes, dioceses, and organizations seeking to partner with AFC are asked to register by April 1. Participation will be limited to 30 teams and registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Teams will be asked to articulate a campaign goal and project focus at the point of registration. Most costs associated with youth projects and programs, including staffing, are eligible. Cynthia Pilichos, AFC Representative for NS & PEI: cjp2320@gmail.com Allie Colp, Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator: youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca At AFC: Michelle Hauser, Development & Communication Officer: mhauser@anglicanfoundation.org For more infomation visit:
Praying with the DEN Community
Praying with the DEN Community, Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) For more information contact DEN at: endionspei@gmail.com For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ministries/diocesan-environment-network
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Community Roots Day Camp
LAST CHANCE for your parish to apply to participate in the Community Roots Day Camp this summer – Applications close today! Find all the details (including the application form!) here. And we’re looking for some superstars to join our staff team for the summer! We’re looking for folks who love kids, have at least a year of post-secondary education, and are looking for a fun-filled summer of learning about God and growing in faith. Find all the details here. |
Anglicans Powering Potential Seeks your Support!Deadline Extension Anglicans Powering Potential will be extending the deadline date to contribute to the Community Roots Day Camp – until March 22, 2025. Details about how to contribute are on the poster. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/anglicans-powering-potential-seeks-your-support
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Youth Leaders Training RetreatJune 6 - 8 Apply Now Here! Any questions, email Allie at youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/youth-leaders-training-retreat/2025-06-06
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Welcoming Families ChatThursday, March 6, 2025 Join us for an informal opportunity to connect with others who are finding ways to intentionally welcome families into the life of their churches! Bring your stories, your questions, your ideas, your challenges, bring whatever you've got! No need to commit to every month, but we'd love to have you there whenever you can make it! We’re on next for March 6 at 1 pm – hope to see you there! Sign up here to get the zoom link! For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/welcoming-families-chat/2025-03-06
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Sundays at Four - Music at the CathedralEvery Sunday February 9th - April 27th Choral Evensong & Concerts every Sunday at 4:00pm Presented by the Cathedral Church of All Saints & Capella Regalis Choirs Free & Open to the public Organist & Director of Music: Paul Halley Asst. Director of music & Capella Regalis Choirs, Artistic Director: Nick Halley For more infomation visit:
Community VigilHonouring Victims of Gender Based Violence Join St. John's Anglican Church on Friday, March 7 at 64 Townsend St. for a community vigil. Open for quiet contemplation with spoken prayers at 7:00pm For more infomation visit:
Lenten Soup LunchesMarch 7th - April 4th - Admission by Donation Join us for Lenten Soup Lunches, Fridays at 11:30am - 1:00pm (Various Dates below) Lunch will include your choice of soup - biscuit/roll - dessert - tea/coffee Friday, March 7th - St. Luke's Parish Hall, 10 Shore Club Road, Hubbards Friday, March 14th - Hubbards & Area Lions Club, 43 Lions Club Road, Fox Point Friday, March 21st - Parish of French Village, St. James Anglican Church, 6991 St. Margarets Bay Road, Boutiliers Point Friday, March 28th - St. Andrews/St. Marks United Church, 7629 St. Margarets Bay Road, Ingramport Friday, April 4th - 7th Day Adventist Church, 509 Hwy 329, Fox Point For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/lenten-soup-lunches/2025-03-07
World Day of Prayer around the DioceseFriday, March 7th at 7:00pm - St. Peter's Church, 10030 Peggy's Cove Road, Hackett's Cove Ecumenical Worship Service. Fellowship and refreshments will be available. (Alternative snow date will be Friday, MArch 14th at 7pm) -St. Luke's Anglican Church,9 Veterans Ave, Dartmouth, NS The theme this year is "I made you Wonderful" and the program is written for Cook Islands. We would be happy to welcome you! For more information please contact Marjorie Davis 902-462-3637 -Aylesford United Church, 2414 Highway 1, Aylesford This will be an ecumenical worship service written by the women of the Cook Islands entitled "I Made You Wonderful" Friday, March 7th at 2:00pm (Storm Date - Sunday, March 9th at 2:00pm) For more infomation visit:
Lenten Book Study-Lunch and LearnEvery Friday from March 7th - April 11 Join St. James Anglican Church, Halifax for a book study this Lent as we read Godsend: A Handbook for New Christian Communities, by, Michael Moynagh. March 7th - April 11, 2025, Every Friday from (11:30am- 1:00pm) Lunch and Learn! Hot Soup, Tea/Coffee, Dessert. Register by February 28- Contact Alice Galpin Nicholson at alicegalpin@eastlink.ca For more infomation visit:
International Women's Day2025 Theme: Accelerate Action - Saturday, March 8, 2025 Anglicans Powering Potential encourages the acceleration of action regarding Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Celebrate International Women’s Day on Saturday, March 8th, by attending a special Gathering to which all (yes, all genders) are warmly welcome. It will be a time of camaraderie, music, presentations, creative time, and refreshments: 1:30 - 5:00; Lunenburg School for the Arts, Lunenburg, NS For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/international-womens-day--939/2025-03-08
Evans & Doherty ConcertSaturday, March 8 St. Margaret of Scotland Church is hosting a concert of Irish songs by Evans & Doherty. Doors open at 6:30pm and Tickets are $30 per person Call (902)495-8883 for more information For more infomation visit:
Lenten Quiet DaySaturday, March 15, 8:30am - 1pm Join Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax on Saturday, March 15 at 8:30am for Lenten Quiet Day. All are Welcome! Scripture and the Lenten Pilgrimage to the Cross, led by Will Barton. Questions? Email hello@anglicancathedralhalifax.ca For more infomation visit:
Marriage Success CourseSaturday, April 5 The Dartmouth Region is running a Marriage Success program on 5 April 2025. The course is designed to meet the requirements of marriage preparation in the Anglican Church of Canada, but is also useful to couples looking to improve communication. This program supports marriage equality and welcomes participants from the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Folks from other regions are welcome to attend.
Registration forms are due by March 22 - (we must have at least 4 couples to offer the course).
Cost $60 per couple (covers lunch, snacks and printing costs).
Contact marriagesuccess@outlook.com for more information.
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/marriage-success-course--908/2025-04-05
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The Sisters are Coming
For more infomation visit:
Flourishing Forward WebinarGender Light Bulb Moments in Ministry: Canadian Women Pastors' Experiences of Gender Inequality - Friday, March 21, 2025 Join Katie Steeves, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Trinity Western University and Associate Director of Research at the Flourishing Congregations Institute for an interactive half-hour webinar – 20-minute research presentation & 10-minute Q/A (optional 15-minutes after for networking) – based on recent findings from qualitative interviews of Canadian women pastors on the topic of how gender interacts with their call and leadership. Learn how women religious leaders experience certain comments, actions, and interactions as “gender light bulb moments” – instances where they become aware they are being treated differently because of their gender. Consider how this impacts them and how to continue to create equitable contexts in ministry for women to lead. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/flourishing-forward-webinar/2025-03-21
Celebrate Rev Cheryl Rafuse as she RetiresSaturday, March 29, 2025 We invite you to celebrate the ministry of our Deacon, Rev Cheryl Rafuse as she retires. The celebration will be on Saturday March 29th 2-4pm at the Prospect Road Community Center, 2141 Prospect Road. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/celebrate-rev-cheryl-rafuse-as-she-retires/2025-03-29
Shining the Light on Human TraffickingPOSTPONED - Rescheduled for April 12, 9:00am- 12:00 Join for a morning of learning, advocacy, and partnership around Human Trafficking at the Church of St. Andrew, Cole Harbour. Guest Speaker, the Rev'd Kiersten Wells. For more information contact: The Rev'd Marian Lucas-Jefferies marian.lucas.jefferies@gmail.com For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/shinning-the-light-on-human-trafficking/2025-02-15
Atlantic School of Theology - Homecoming 2025May 7th & 8th Join us to celebrate the past, present and future of AST! Lectures and workshops with Diana Butler Bass and more. All events are being offered to Alumni for $175.00 Click here to register. Any Questions? email astinfo@astheology.ns.ca or call 902-430-7662 For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/ast-homecoming-2025/2025-05-07
Diocesan Heating Oil Program
The Diocese of NS and PEI Heating Oil Program with Irving Oil offers Churches of the Diocese and eligible Diocesan Clergy and Diocesan Staff a discounted rate based on non-profit status. This rate is not offered to individual Anglican parishioners. For more information, please contact: The Centralized Commercial Account Manager for the Diocesan Heating Oil Program, Ms. Sharon Williston by name at 1-888-310-1924 or by email Sharon.Williston@irvingoil.com The Furnace Oil price for the period - February 15, to February 21, 2025. Nova Scotia - $1.0748 Prince Edward Island - $1.0748 For more infomation visit: