Please note that Cathedral Lane is undergoing an extensive infrastructure project, resulting in street closures around the Synod Offices. Our Parking Lot is still accessible however delays are expected. Access to the center and the Cathedral will be limited. For the first part of the project, please use College Street. We expect this access to change as sections are completed. The project will run until November of this year. For more infomation visit: |
BISHOP SANDRA'S SCHEDULE Thursday Sept 12th – Parish Visit Friday Sept 13th – Monthly meeting with Director of Mission and Ministry Development, appointment in office, and Diocesan Council (evening) Saturday Sept 14th – Retired Clergy with Spouses and Widows Luncheon with the Primate, St. Peter’s Birch Cove Sunday Sept 15th – St. Paul’s Halifax 275th Anniversary service, 10:00 am 1749 Aryle Street, Halifax Monday Sept 16th – Day off Tuesday Sept 17th to Thursday Sept 19th – Vacation ANNOUNCEMENTS Bishop Sandra is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Dr. Dawna Wall as Rector of the Parish of St. John’s Lunenburg effective October 16th, 2024. PARISH OPENING In accordance with Diocesan Canon 25, The Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe is accepting applications for the position of Rector for: The Parish of Musquodoboit and Ship Harbour is situated along the Eastern Shore scenic route Highway #7. Our parishes are located only 45-50 minutes from the extreme end to the city and 25 minutes from the closest point. There are freshwater lakes to one side and the ocean on the other with many wild islands. Within our area we have two of Nova Scotia’s most beautiful sand beaches, Martinique Beach in East Petpeswick and Clam Harbour Beach in Clam Harbour. Each beach extends for at least 2 miles, so if you are an explorer or a walker, many hours of quiet and solitude can be had while discovering little oddities. If you are sitting in your front or backyard usually nature will visit you throughout the year. You will see many varieties of birds, and other creatures, squirrels, raccoons and deer etc. We are proud to be affirming parishes in favour of equal marriage since 2019 and we advocate for the inclusion of ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. Pastoral Care is also very important to us, providing emotional, social and spiritual support to all, not just to the ones we see on Sunday morning. When thinking of our next rector words like compassionate, joyous, energetic, encouraging, and supportive come to mind, and for sure, a sense of humour goes a long way! We are a very friendly community and reach out to all in need or sadness. We are proud to say we live on the Eastern Shore because, to anyone who knows the shore, it means friendly (peace, harmony, love and caring by all). For the full posting and details on how to apply click HERE. |
Anglican Foundation Grants Deadline Applications must be received by the Executive Secretary of Synod by October 11th, 2024. If the grant application includes working with youth, vulnerable sector policies must be included in the application. Please feel free to send any questions to me. Dawn Purcell, She/her, Executive Secretary of Synod, execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca For more information on the Anglican Foundation Grants please click HERE. Seeking Worship Space St. Vladimir's Prince of Kiev Orthodox Church is seeking worship space of approximately 3000 sq ft and, ideally, the same amount of space suitable for Sunday school, a kitchen, and multi-purpose rooms in HRM. If you are aware of or have access to this type of space and are looking to share or sell, please contact the Executive Director, Rev’d Ann Turner, at executivedirector@nspeidiocese.ca for more information. |
Atlantic School of Discipleship (New Details!) Nurture your discipleship roots. Deepen your relationship to Christ. Energize your ministry. Atlantic School of Theology is launching Atlantic School of Discipleship, beginning this October 2024, with teaching taking place online and in local communities. HURRY! REGISTRATION IS OPEN! In consultation with Maritime Anglicans and United Church denominational leaders, AST is producing a program to respond to this call to deeper Christian maturity. https://www.astheology.ns.ca/future/certificate/discipleship.html + Are you thinking about taking a Christian education course this autumn to energize your faith and inspire your ministry? + Do you want to increase interest and commitment in discipleship in your congregation? WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? Through interaction with AST’s world-class teachers, participants are introduced to a solid foundation of how Christian faith and tradition impact our daily walk as followers of Jesus. Faculty include two Anglican professors, one Roman Catholic, and four from the United Church. The program is open to adults with any education level. Each month focuses on a different topic:
HOW WILL THIS PROGRAM WORK? Each month participants receive readings and reflection questions designed to explore faith topics. Then they join in a live (via Zoom) presentation by an AST instructor on that month’s topic. A second online opportunity to interact with questions and conversation takes students deeper into understanding. Time commitment: two Tuesday evenings a month for nine months, plus some reading time outside of those gatherings. Additionally, there are four, one-day in-person regional events. Some of the cohort gatherings take place in New Glasgow, NS; Truro, NS, and Summerside, PE. As interest grows, other locations may be added. WHAT WILL IT COST? Tuition for individual participants is $300. A group with 5 participants from the same parish is $1,000. Anglican Scholarships are available. Any lay participant from the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island may apply for a $150 scholarship, in honour of Rev. Canon David Reid, to cover the cost of tuition. (Contact the Director of Mission and Ministry Development to request an application form: missiondirector@nspeidiocese.ca ) GOT QUESTIONS? Contact Atlantic School of Theology: discipleship@astheology.ns.ca or 902-429-6495. |
A FRESH BREWED CHURCHSix Minute Study #390 One popular form of authentic Anglican faith community is Cafe Church. This new approach to growing congregations, called Fresh Expressions, fits well into our coffee-drinking culture, offering a non-threatening way to explore Christian spirituality. There are varieties of cafe church. Some are once a month. Others are weekly. Still others are daily. Most start with simple, humble beginnings - putting on a coffee pot and intentionally inviting people to gather. Read more and watch a VIDEO of an Episcopal (Anglican) type Cafe Church, This Cafe is a Church for People Who Don’t Go to Church (Video). https://freshexpressions.com/2018/10/04/this-cafe-is-a-church-for-people-who-dont-go-to-church-video For more infomation visit: |
Celebrating Indigenous Peoples
Autumn has several opportunities to emphasize our Anglican commitments in the National Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. Relationship healing and rebuilding with Canadian First Peoples can be lived out through advocacy and education.
Here are some links to helpful resources: Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI - https://mcpei.ca/ Mi’kmawe’l Tan Teli-kina’muemk / Teaching About the Mi’kmaq (Debert, NS) - https://www.mikmaweydebert.ca/sharing-our-stories/education-and-outreach/school-curriculum/ Diocesan webpage (SCROLL DOWN) - https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/pages/worship-resources For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/celebrating-indigenous-peoples--906 |
PWRDF Christmas Cards“For unto us a child is born.” Christmas cards may be ordered directly from PWRDF by filling out the form on the PWRDF website (www.pwrdf.org). You can make your donation at the time of ordering, or order on consignment and donate later. You may also order cards by contacting Anslim Hameed at (416) 822-9083 or toll-free at 1 (877) 936-9199 ext. 228 or by email at ahameed@pwrdf.org, or contact him with any questions. Download the flyer to promote in your community. The cards come in packs of 12 and a minimum donation of $25 per pack is recommended. Donations of $25 or more qualify for a tax receipt. Please allow 3-4 weeks for shipping. For more infomation visit: |
Season of CreationSunday, September 1, 2024 There are many ways your community can participate in the Season of Creation. Hold an ecumenical or interfaith prayer service; worship outdoors; go for a hike with members of your parish; work to reduce your plastic or energy consumption; or advocate for stronger environmental policy. Season of Creation (ACC) - https://www.anglican.ca/publicwitness/season-of-creation/ Anglican Communion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bovWrpqWcqY&t=2s For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/season-of-creation--809/2024-09-01 |
Anglicans Powering Potential Seeks your Support!Let's continue the momentum! Anglicans Powering Potential (APP) would like to continue the support for the Community Roots Day Camp which has raised more then $2,000 through the Anglican Foundation Say YES! to Kids Campaign this year. If you would like to contribute to this incredible program please send cheque (payable to Anglicans Powering Potential – Community Roots Day Camp) to Marjorie Davis, #204 – 111 Pebblecreek Drive, Dartmouth NS B2W 0L1 or e-transfer to app.nspeidiocese@gmail.com. What’s Community Roots Day camp you ask? Click HERE for more information. For more infomation visit:
Anglicans Powering Potential (APP) September Newsletter
Touchstones for Change can be viewed HERE.
For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/anglicans-powering-potential-app-september-newsletter |
Finance & Admin Open Houses - on Zoom - September 19th 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The zoom link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82818918045. Ann Turner, the executive director, and Allie Colp, our Youth and Family Ministry Coordinator, will also be available at that time to answer any questions you may have. CTF Webinar - September 20th 12:00 to 1:00 pm If you would like information about the investments in the Consolidated Trust Fund and how they are doing, consider joining Lawrence on zoom for a CTF update o https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88122382086 |
Engage: Transforming Parish Dynamics – Fall/Winter Webinars
In the spring of this year, a group of folks from across the Diocese gathered to train as parish facilitators. Their work will be going into parishes in times of transition to help them navigate the ups and downs of change. If this work interests you or if you have a general interest in developing Facilitator training, you are welcome to join us as we begin some supplemental workshops on important facilitator skills. The workshops are free and available on zoom. Please see the link below to register. Link for webinar registration: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ENGAGE-webinars I Can Be a Skilled Facilitator September 12, 2024 - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm or 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm ______________________________________________________________ Communications: Going Deeper 1 “Talk and Technique: Listen, Speak, Act” October 22, 2024 - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm or 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm _____________________________________________________________ Communications: Going Deeper 2 “Understand and Practice: Models, Tools, and Tough Conversations” November 19, 2024 - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm or 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/engage-transforming-parish-dynamics-fall-winter-webinars |
Diocesan Church Society (DCS) Fall GatheringForward Together - "Celebrating Our Churches" - Saturday, September 21, 2024 The Diocesan Church Society of PEI (DCS) invites all Anglicans on PEI to a Fall Gathering on September 21st at Crapaud Community Hall from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. The theme for this year’s gathering is: “Celebrating Our Churches.” We encourage all Island Anglicans to help us put your church on the map! Bishop Sandra Fyfe will join us for this time of celebration and fellowship. We look forward to welcoming you and your fellow parishioners to this Autumn Ceilidh & Social where we will have the chance to share fellowship, music, and the sharing our hopes and dreams for our churches. Light refreshments will be provided. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/diocesan-church-society-dcs-fall-gathering/2024-09-21 |
Join us for a weekend with The Rev'd Dr. Charlie Bell
The Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island is pleased to welcome The Rev’d Dr. Charlie Bell for a weekend of conversation, education, and inspiration. We hope you will join us for some or all of the weekend’s events! Please help us by posting these events in your communities. For those of you unfamiliar with his work, Charlie Bell is Official Fellow and College Lecturer in Medicine and Public Theology at Girton College, Cambridge, and a Registrar in Forensic Psychiatry at St George’s and Southwest London NHS Foundation Trust. He is a priest in the Diocese of Southwark, Scholar in Residence at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York City, Visiting Scholar at Sarum College, and a Research Fellow and Associate Tutor at St Augustine’s College of Theology. He has published in both medicine and theology, and in the space between the two. His research interests are primarily in the field of theological anthropology, including culpability, responsibility, and determinism. He is also research active in psychiatry, investigating possible biological signatures for psychiatric and personality disorder. Queer Redemption: Queer Theology Friday October 4th, 1 – 3 pm (ADT), online and in-person at AST For far too long, the lives of queer people and the life of the church have been seen as incompatible – as impossible, even, to reconcile. In recent years and in some quarters, there have been increasing moves towards inclusion and affirmation, and yet some of the fundamentals remain untouched. Queerness remains somehow alien, somehow different, and the church remains unchanged. In this talk, author and priest Charlie Bell will ask what might happen if queerness was allowed to liberate the whole church, seen as a gift to the whole rather than something for the margins. What might happen if queer lives, loves, and relationships were taken as read, rather than treated as a matter of debate? What is this queer theology? And what might a queer-infused church look like? Join us for an afternoon of insight and conversation. Tickets available through Eventbrite. Affirming Communities: Conversation and Dinner The Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island has invited a group of lay and clergy advocates to gather and reflect on where we are as a Diocesan community and what resources we require to continue our work with the LGBTQ2Si community. Both as those who identify as LGBTQ2Si and those who name themselves allies, we are deeply invested in advancing and encouraging positive and affirming work at both the parish and Diocesan levels. Join us in conversation with Charlie Bell, further exploring our response to, care for, and just resourcing of both the clergy and lay who identify with this community. How do we minister with integrity, hold wide the parish door, and celebrate the unique gifts experienced in relationship? This, and many more questions, may form the basis of our conversation. We hope you will join us for dialogue and stay for dinner! (Saturday, October 5, 3 – 5 pm with dinner at 6 pm, St. Andrew’s Cole Harbour). Please email Executive Director, The Rev’d Ann Turner, for more information and to register. Cathedral Church of All Saints Sunday, October 6, 2024 at the 11 am service The Rev’d Dr. Charlie Bell will preach at the 11 am service at the Cathedral. Visit the Cathedral’s website if you require more information (https://www.cathedralchurchofallsaints.com). All are welcome! Queering the Church: In Conversation with the Rev’d Dr. Charlie Bell Monday, October 7, 1 – 2:15 pm and 2:30 – 4 pm, Zoom only For lay and clergy, a time for listening, sharing wisdom, and igniting hope. You are warmly invited to join the online discussion(s). Meet with Charlie Bell, a priest visiting the diocese from the Church of England, who is currently involved with the conversations at their General Synod relating to sexuality and gender. There will be two sessions, and you are very welcome to attend either or both. The first, How Things Progressed: The Journey in Canada, is an opportunity to talk through the way that the path towards LGBTQ2SIA inclusion has been forged and the challenges, opportunities, and tensions along the way. This will primarily be a look over how things have landed where they have today, and the opportunity to share learning from the Canadian journey that might prove beneficial to those involved in the English process. There will also be the opportunity to hear a little about the current situation in the Church of England and the relationship of this to conversations in the wider Anglican Communion. The second, The Art of the Possible: Living Together across Difference, will focus on the situation as it is now in Canada, in a church that has found – and continues to find – ways to live together despite deep and enduring differences in matters of sexuality and gender. Insights from both churches and a variety of perspectives will be shared, and we will look to find those things that work well, that work less well, and that could work better, and the implications for shared life in communion. Click HERE to register and receive your Zoom invitation. I hope to see you at one or all of these interesting events! Take good care, Ann E. Turner (The Rev’d), Executive Director For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/join-us-for-a-weekend-with-revd-dr-charlie-bell
Praying with the DEN Community
Praying with the DEN Community, Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) For more information contact DEN at: endionspei@gmail.com For more infomation visit: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/ministries/diocesan-environment-network
Welcoming Families in Worship Learning CohortTuesday, October 1, 2024 2:45-3:45 Gather a team of folks from your parish to dig into the work of the Welcoming Families in Worship Audit and Reflection Guide alongside teams from other parishes! This audit and reflection guide was prepared by Welcoming Families, a task group of the Youth and Family Ministry Vision Strategy and Support Team, to give congregations a practical tool that they can use to check-in about what they are doing to support families in worship and to identify growing edges that they could work on together. Parish teams will work through the audit sections on their own, but we will all meet together once a month to reflect on the work that has been done, and look ahead at the next section together. Monthly meeting days and times will be determined based on the availability of participating parishes. Parishes can get in touch with Allie (youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca or 902-789-3481) to find out more! Or register below! For more infomation visit: https://dnspeidatabase.elvanto.eu/form/c2bec0b0-e818-49e2-8ab5-c6816a662b4c
Godly Play Core TrainingFor Storytellers and Doorpersons Goldy Play Storyteller Training - Friday, October 18, 2024 Godly Play Maritimes is hosting training for storytellers and door persons this fall! Find out more about the training here. This style of children’s ministry is used in several parishes throughout the diocese and is part of our Community Roots Day Camp Program. The training will be held in Sackville, New Brunswick. If you’d like to attend, but need assistance with the registration fee or would like help in arranging a place to stay overnight, please contact Allie at youthandfamily@nspeidiocese.ca For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/godly-play-core-training/2024-10-18
We Choose Joy: Diocesan Youth Conference 2024Friday, October 4, 2024 For DYC 2024 we will be practicing choosing joy together! There's a lot of hard things going on in the world, and we're not going to ignore those things, or pretend that everything is fine, or make anyone pretend to be happy, but we are going to carve out some time to play and have fun and talk about how important joy is - especially when things are hard. Along with our usual bible study and worship times, some of our weekend will be spent playing wide games together, and we will also have blocks of time where you can choose your own adventure, with options like:
We are crossing our t's and dotting our i's and then we will be all set for you to sign up - stay tuned! For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/we-choose-joy-diocesan-youth-conference-2024/2024-10-04 |
Book signing Event and Meet the ArchbishopSt. Paul's Halifax, Our 275th Anniversary Year Launch - Sunday, September 15, 2024 Our 275th Anniversary Year Launch is Sunday September 15th. Celebrated by Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate, at 10:00 am then followed by a reception and book signing at 11:30 with Sarah Baxter Emsley, Author of St. Paul's The Grand Parade and Alison Kitt-Grainger, Co-Author of St. Paul's Church at 275. The Books sell for $10.
For more infomation visit:
Bats in the Belfry - A Church at the CrossroadsAll Saints, Gibson's Lake - Sunday, September 15, 2024 Out at Gibson’s Lake there is a small Anglican Church called All Saint’s. It was built in the 1800’s and for many, many years devoted church members looked after the church and the cemetery. It has neither electricity, water, nor much in the way of funds. But it does have bats! It is across the lake from St. Anne’s Summer Camp. Often campers would canoe over from the camp to attend services at the Church. One, who later became a counsellor, has memories of opening the doors and seeing bats fly out in the evenings. Over the last few decades, the group who has lovingly cared for the church has become smaller and smaller as people moved, aged or died. For the last number of years, the care has fallen to only two very devoted people. They resigned from the care committee this past spring. While some repairs were done this summer to the exterior, there are some holes in the foundation where animals can get under the Church and the roof will need replacing in a few years. Inside the church there are bigger issues – repairs are needed to the main floor support beam and the bats have certainly enjoyed being the only occupants. There is bat guano and urine all over the pews and in particular, the carpet. The inside smells terrible! As there are health risks associated with bat guano, it has been decided that we cannot hold a service inside this year. In previous years members of the care committee would come to the church and clean it up weekly. That has not happened this summer. So, we will hold this year's Anniversary service outdoors in the graveyard on September 15th at 3pm. Please bring your own umbrella (just in case) and a lawn chair. This will be followed by a meeting to discuss the future of the church. Most importantly, please come having given some thought about the future of All Saints, Gibson's Lake. Are you willing, or not, to invest in its future? It will take time, talent, and treasure (fundraising). Will you become part of a new Care Committee? (If you cannot come to the meeting but would like to help, please contact the Parish Office at 902-532-0913) All Saint’s future is in your hands. |
Messy ChurchSt. Timothy's Hall, 2320 Prospect Road September 14th, October 19th, November 2nd and November 30th - 4:00 to 6:00 pm Crafts, activities, games, songs and storytelling. Share in a delicious meal! Everyone of all ages is welcome, open to families and kids with their significant adults. FREE!
For more infomation visit:
Mission to Seafarers - End of Summer BBQThursday, September 19, 2024 Menu - Hamburger (Beef or Vegetarian), Potato Salad, and Dessert Please order by Sept 13th - (902) 422-7790 hglenn@missiontoseafarershalifax.ca For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/mission-to-seafarers-end-of-summer-bbq/2024-09-19 |
John Snyder - Live in ConcertSaturday, September 21, 2024 2:00 pm With Special Guest - Lloyd Snyder Tickets: Advanced $10 At the Door $15 St. Frances by the Lakes - 192 First Lake Drive, Lower Sackville For more infomation visit:
Let the Memories Begin!A Walk Down Memory Lane - Saturday, September 28, 2024 Featuring your favorite tunes from the 40's, 50's and 60's. Music by Pattie MacKenzie, Steve Lutley, Wayne Pottie and Edward Barnstead. St. Andrews, Dartmouth, 8 Locks Road. For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/let-the-memories-begin/2024-09-28
Fall Alpha CourseSt. Timothy's Hall, 2320 Prospect Road - Wednesday evenings starting September 18th to December 4, 2024 - 6:30 to 845 pm. Are you discouraged?
Do you wonder if this is all there is to life?
Do you worry about the future?
Do you wonder if you have a purpose in life?
Is Christianity boring, untrue, or irrelevant in today’s world?
If you've ever wondered about these or many other questions, Alpha can help. This is a free video series that explores these questions and more in a relaxed, non-judgemental atmosphere with no strings attached! Each session consists of a video and small group discussion.
For more infomation visit:
Hot Potato EventSt. Timothy's Hall, 2320 Prospect Road - Friday, October 11, 2024 For our first Hot Potato Event - Come and enjoy a hot potato with fixings & hear Bill Chambre presentation on the history of the region, his time with the EAPPI*, his time in 2022 in the Yatta/South Hebron Hills in, in 2023 in East Jerusalem, some of the major issues of that time as well as current issues. Are you concerned for the Israeli and Palestinian people? Where to go from here? Bill doesn’t claim to have all the answers and welcomes questions and discussion. Everyone is welcome! *Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel For more infomation visit: https://www.facebook.com/p/St-Timothys-Hatchet-Lake-and-St-Pauls-Terence-Bay-100064645663841/
Turkey Supper & Silent AuctionSt. John's Anglican Church Westphal (Corner of Lake Major Rd. & #7 Highway) - Saturday, September 28, 2024 Meal includes: turkey, potatoes, homemade dressing, carrots, peas, cranberry sauce, gravy, roll, homemade gingerbread, tea/coffee/juice. Eat -in or take out. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children under 12 and are available by calling the church office and leaving a message 902-435-1880. Wheelchair accessible. For more infomation visit: https://www.facebook.com/p/St-Johns-Westphal-100064544055992/
Diocesan Heating Oil Program
The Diocese of NS and PEI Heating Oil Program with Irving Oil offers Churches of the Diocese and eligible Diocesan Clergy and Diocesan Staff a discounted rate based on non-profit status. This rate is not offered to individual Anglican parishioners. For more information, please contact: The Centralized Commercial Account Manager for the Diocesan Heating Oil Program, Ms. Jennifer Bishop by name at 1-888-310-1924 or by email at Jennifer.Bishop@IrvingOil.com The Furnace Oil price for the period - Sept 07 to Sept. 13/2024 Nova Scotia - $0.9357 Prince Edward Island - $0.9357 For more infomation visit: