The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer

  • exists to encourage the ministry of prayer
  • seeks to be a teaching resource to assist both individuals and congregations to grow in the life of prayer
  • helps to build links between praying people

“Teach us to pray” the disciples asked Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. It has been suggested that the disciples would have known how to pray – they were steeped in the prayers and psalms of their Jewish faith. And that perhaps what they were really asking was “teach us to pray as you do”.  The disciples noticed that Jesus, frequently withdrew to pray; a time for communing with his “Abba” a title for God connoting a loving relationship.  He prayed during times of fatigue, during distress, in search of guidance before big decisions and reappeared refreshed and strengthened.   Jesus continues to teach all who ask. 

Just as there are diverse people and personalities, so there are varied ways to pray.

  • Brother Lawrence was a French lay monk in the 1700’s who “Practiced the Presence of God” whether in chapel or at work, living his life “to the glory of God”.
  • More recently, Anne Lamott in her book “Help, Thanks, Wow” shows us that prayer doesn’t have to be formal. She too takes prayer into everyday life.
  • Those of us who love musicals might remember Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and have music accompany us as prayer.
  • The former Dean (Robert) of Canterbury Cathedral who led many in virtual Morning Prayer during COVID shutdowns advised putting favorite verses of the Psalms into our “spiritual backpack”.

However we pray, there is always more.  Prayer is a relationship and a journey.  Jesus continues to teach us.  Let us pray as we can.