Synod Office Updates
National Indigenous Day of Prayer
Friday, June 21st is commemorated as Indigenous Day of Prayer across the Anglican Church of Canada. Please consider how you and your parish might mark this date. This is one small way we can express our commitment to ongoing truth and reconciliation with our Indigenous siblings. Liturgical resources are available here: For more infomation visit: https://www.anglican.ca/faith/worship/resources/nadppropers/ |
The Collect of the Day
Creator God, |
Bishops OfficeJune 20th - 26th Schedule Thursday June 20 - Leadership Team Meeting; King’s College Board of Governors Meeting For more infomation visit: |
6-Minute Study - #386TEAMS: SETTING PRIORITIES & PLANS (Link Correction) Flourishing parish ministry happens best with the sharing of tasks and responsibilities across a team. Congregations are more than a group of individuals engaged in their respective initiatives. Read more about how church leaders can focus teams through “work facilitation.” For more infomation visit:
Notice of Synod
Notice is given that the 152nd Session of Synod of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island will be held from Friday, May 23rd to Sunday May 25th, 2025, in the Main Arena at St. Francis Xavier University, Varsity Drive in Antigonish NS (please see attached with regards to the change of venue). All motions and resolutions to come before Synod should be received by the Executive Secretary of Synod no later than Thursday January 23rd, 2025. Please send resolutions to the Synod Office, 1340 Cathedral Lane, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 221, or via email to: execsecsynod@nspeidiocese.ca No resolutions will be accepted after the above deadline or from the floor of Synod. For guidance, "Instructions for Writing Diocesan Synod Resolutions" will be sent out in September. Information about SYNOD 2025 will be updated on our website starting in September of this year. We look forward to continuing our planning for Synod 2025 and to welcoming you to the St. F.X. campus next May. This notice is given by the Bishop of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, The Right Reverend Sandra Fyfe. For more infomation visit: |
Walk With Refugees
This spring's VCM conference included a deep dive on all things related to mission and church flourishing, including spiritual gifts and collaborative teams. Access all of the video recordings of the talks, resources and more, from our Diocesan webpage here: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/pages/vital-church-martimes-2024-conference |
Attention all Parishes!
We have a treasure, not made of gold. Actually, we have some free, used hymnbooks, immediately available. Do you need words-only copies of the 1971 Hymnbook (red hymnal, joint Anglican/United)? Or perhaps some additional words-only copies of the 1938 Book of Common Praise (small blue, Anglican)? Contact the Diocesan Offices as soon as possible to arrange pick-up. Email office@nspeidiocese.ca... First come, first served…the books can be yours |
Vocations Coodinator
We are hiring! The Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island seeks a qualified individual to manage the important work of guiding and encouraging the work of vocational discernment. Located at 1340 Cathedral Lane, Halifax, we are seeking a Full-time, Permanent Vocations Coordinator. This on-site position is primarily structured to creatively manage, direct, and disciple those identifying and pursing a call to ministry. Please review the attached Job Posting and, if appropriate, request a detailed Job Description (contact provided in the posting). For more infomation visit: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:va6c2:6cd92381-84ce-4087-9569-ea66b32c678f
We continue to strive to work towards reconciliation with First Peoples in Canada. There are several opportunities for our congregations and small groups to be intentional in this relationship-building, advocacy, education and inclusive worship. June is National Indigenous History Month. June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day September 30 is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. October 1 is Treaty Day, the beginning of Mi’kmaq History Month (PEI & NS). For a variety of resources, check out our webpage: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/pages/worship-resources
What's happening around the Diocese?
Saint George’s Round ChurchIs accepting applications for the following positions Click the links below to read details! For a more detailed job description, please contact rector@roundchurch.ca
For more infomation visit:
International Day of the Seafarer
Calling all faith groups in NS, NB & PEI.
We are reaching out to faith-based organizations in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to gauge interest in installing electric vehicle charging stations as a collective. A group of faith-based organizations in the Martimes has been discussing opportunities to improve local sustainability efforts, engage more members of our community, and potentially add a small recurring revenue source for our organizations. There are incentives to cover up to 50% of the project costs, and other grants that may help to make these chargers affordable for all of our organizations. We feel faith-based groups can play a central role in expanding local electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Many of us have the necessary electrical infrastructure with under-utilized parking lots at our places of worship. By exploring electric vehicle charging together, we believe we can enhance our spaces and connect with more members of our community by offering this small amenity. Thank you for your time. Cheerfully, Hannah Hannah Minzloff (she/her/elle) |
Say Yes! To Kids
This year, we have 6 incredible teams in our diocese raising funds and support for children’s, youth, and family ministries. Find out about those teams here!
Liturgical Music CoordinatorSisters of Charity - Caritas Residence, Halifax N.S. For more infomation visit: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:e503678e-9953-4a4a-acdb-233e068f04c4
2SLGBTQ+ 101 and More: Caring Well for 2SLGBTQ+ Youth in Our Communities
This Pride Month, we encourage everyone to take our online course designed to equip leaders in our parishes and communities to better care for 2SLGBTQ+ young people. You can find this free, on-demand course here. |
St. Mark’s Food Bank, HalifaxWe are Hiring |
ANGLICANS AT PRIDE PARADES!June is PRIDE month We are gathering information about any and all summer PRIDE PARADES and events. If your congregation is organizing a float/group for the parade or another event, send details to netnews@nspeidiocese.ca TRURO AREA: Pride Parade and Fun Day 2024 - Saturday, June 22nd. HRM - Halifax Pride Parade is Saturday, July 20th at 12-noon. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Charlottetown’s Pride Parade is Saturday, July 20 at 12-noon. Amherst: June 15th at 2:00pm PRIDE Parades are lots of fun and a powerful witness of Anglican inclusiveness in N.S. and P.E.I. For liturgies and other resources, visit our website: https://www.nspeidiocese.ca/pages/worship-resource For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/anglicans-at-pride-parades/2024-06-22 |
Refugee Sunday!
This January, our primate Archbishop Linda Nicholls, issued an invitation to dioceses and parishes across the country to mark a Refugee Sunday at some point in the lead up to World Refugee Day (June 20) or at some other time in the year. Many parishes in our Diocese are currently participating in refugee sponsorship or have in the past. We invite all parishes to consider marking Refugee Sunday sometime in the coming weeks. You can choose a Sunday that works best for you. PWRDF has put together a list of resources that can help get you started https://pwrdf.org/raise-awareness-and-support-for-refugees/ We look forward to seeing how parishes throughout Nova Scotia and PEI mark this important day! |
Anglicans Powering Potential (APP) Say Yes! to our diocese's Community Roots Day Camp. You can too!
APP understands that a sense of belonging is a fundamental human need and a key support for physical and mental health. It helps build resilience, allowing any of us, whatever our age, to cope more effectively during challenging times. Building resilience is one of the key desired outcomes of the Community Roots Day Camp. Children from within and beyond the parish community benefit from all that the day camp offers them. Here is how you can Say Yes! to our Community Roots Day Camp. It is easy to contribute on line - just follow the directions at: https://www.anglicanfoundation.org/sytkdonate/https://www.anglicanfoundation.org/sytkdonate/ However, if you are more comfortable giving by cheque, here’s how: A cheque is payable to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, with SYTK Community Roots Day Camp in the memo line; mailed to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2. |
The Halifax Pride Parade on Saturday July 20
After last year’s absence, Halifax Pride is back! And people from our Diocese are marching in the Parade, beginning at noon on the 20th of July. More information will be coming your way in the next Net News; for now, please mark your calendars, so that you can join Proud Anglicans as we celebrate our Diocese’s commitment to diversity. As religion is being weaponized against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, in various places around the globe and within our own country, it is so important that we affirm, publicly, that ALL are created in the image of God! Contact person: the Rev’d Dr. Jane Magrath jane.magrath@gmail.com
Free Energy Audits for Faith Buildings
Discover Diversity: Free Resource for Families
Created for families with elementary-aged children, this summer children’s magazine explores the theme of diversity! Exploring scripture through stories, mini-devotionals, crafts and prayer activities, this magazine emphasizes how we are ALL made in God’s image! This was created by a United Church minister in New Brunswick, and is definitely worth checking out: https://www.jesusglueandglitter.ca/product/discover-diversity/ For more infomation visit: https://www.jesusglueandglitter.ca/product/discover-diversity/
Diocesan Environmental NetworkDEN Enews Click the link below to check out the weekly DEN Enews!
Parish Events
Annual Yard SaleSt. Frances by the Lakes - Saturday, June 22, 2024 For more infomation visit: |
White Rose Family Folk Fest
Family Movie NightSt. Francis by the Lakes |
Annual Car Show and ShineSaturday, June 22, 2024 For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/events/annual-car-show-and-shine--792/2024-06-22 |
Job OpportunitySt. Paul’s Anglican Church St. Paul’s Anglican Church, downtown in The Grand Parade is looking to hire a Parish Sexton to service both the church building (1749 Argyle St.) and the Parish House (1706 Argyle St.) across the street, (both interior and exterior). For more infomation visit: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:f978fa1f-3daa-4617-a650-d236ed0c5c71
Open Mic NightSt. Marks - Friday, March 1, 2024 For more infomation visit: |
Diocesan Heating Oil ProgramFurnace Oil price this week The Diocese of NS and PEI Heating Oil Program with Irving Oil offers Churches of the Diocese and eligible Diocesan Clergy and Diocesan Staff a discounted rate based on non-profit status. This rate is not offered to individual Anglican parishioners. For more information, please contact: The Centralized Commercial Account Manager for the Diocesan Heating Oil Program, Ms. Jennifer Bishop by name at 1-888-310-1924 or by email at Jennifer.Bishop@IrvingOil.com The Furnace Oil price for the period June 15, 2024 - June 21, 2024 Nova Scotia $0.9851 Prince Edward Island $0.9851 For more infomation visit: http://nspeidiocese.ca/news/diocesan-heating-oil-program--497 |
Net News Information
Deadline for submissions is Tuesdays by 5:00 pm. Please Email Trisha at office@nspeidiocese.ca with your requests. Thank you. |