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When: Monday, June 5 - Friday, June 9, 2023
Where:Our Lady of Hope Retreat Centre,
Stanley Bridge, PEI

THEME: “A Pilgrim’s Journey”
RETREAT LEADER: The Rev. Douglas Beck

From Douglas: “A Pilgrim’s Journey: Ordained life can be experienced as a
sacred daily journey of witness and rest, proclamation and sacrament.”

Rev. Douglas Beck, M.Div., ObJN is a priest, oblate, spiritual director,visual artist
and musician. Douglas graduated from Atlantic School of Theology with
Honors, was ordained in 2019, and served in the Parish of St. John the Baptist ,
North Sydney. Douglas currently resides in Maine , serving in rural ministry at
St. Augustine’s, Dover-Foxcroft. Douglas maintains his connections with our
Diocese as a member of the Diocesan Discernment and Formation Program and
facilitating Continuing Education for the Newly Ordained.
In Douglas’ words: “I hold happy, meaningful experiences of study, formation,
ordination and service to the Diocese close to my heart, and am very excited
about returning as 2023 Retreat Leader.”

The retreat begins on Monday, June 5th at 4:00 p.m. with Evening Prayer and
supper. It ends on Friday, June 9th after breakfast. The structure of the retreat
revolves around regular worship throughout the day, presentations by the retreat
facilitator, extended periods of silence, and times of quiet conversation and
fellowship.The Centre caters to special dietary needs and is fully accessible. The
Centre has carefully planned Covid-19 protocols in place (if needed).

Total Cost: $435.00 plus your transportation (car-pooling an option)

Retreat Accommodation (4 nights) & all Meals $410.00

Pre-registration: $25.00 (non-refundable)

Clergy Wellness Funds may be applied/used for the Retreat and travel costs.
Retreat Coordinator: The Rev. Frances Boutilier